Workshop: Building reproducible workflows for earth sciences

Reproducible workflows - Setting the scene


Stephan Siemen (ECMWF)


ECMWF has always been a hub of much activities around earth science data. Scientist and analysts continue to develop new ways of analysing and presenting data. For ECMWF it is crucial that this work can be shared and reproduced at any time.
But ECMWF is also a place constantly changing to make best use of new technologies. In 2020 ECMWF whole computer centre will be moved from Reading to Bologna. Combined with the popularity of public and private cloud environments, this gives even more urgency to ensure that scientific work can be reproduced in a robust way.

This presentation will give an overview of ECMWF's perspective on reproducible workflows, the challenges encountered and solutions found.

Primary authors

Stephan Siemen (ECMWF) Claudia Vitolo (ECMWF)

Presentation materials
