NEXTGenIO Workshop on applications of NVRAM storage to exascale I/O

I/O Challenges for U.S. Navy METOC Modeling – From Data to Decisions


Timothy Whitcomb (US Naval Research Laboratory)


Increased complexity and resolution of modeling systems and increased demand for environmental input to downstream products combine to pose significant challenges for increased volume and velocity of I/O as part of a research or operational workflows, particularly when seeking to exploit distributed computing architectures. While many of the challenges faced are common in the earth system modeling community, I plan to highlight tradeoffs between data locality and task granularity in workflows (and the implications of on-demand storage), particularly when faced with workflows of tasks with highly dissimilar computational resource requirements. This will include a discussion of asynchronous I/O in forecast models, and the possibility of data-driven downstream workflows that are able to fully exploit the use of high-speed persistent storage as a method to increase task parallelism.

Keywords challenges

Primary author

Timothy Whitcomb (US Naval Research Laboratory)

Presentation materials
