Rescheduled Training course: A hands-on introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction Models: Understanding and Experimenting

| 24-27 May 2021

This course was a remote event.

This training event was originally scheduled for 16-20 March 2020 and had to be cancelled due to the situation around COVID-19. It is now scheduled for 24-27 May 2021.

The course will draw on numerical weather prediction expertise from across ECMWF and provide an overview of the ECMWF model while giving hands-on sessions to give you confidence to carry out your own experimentation with the OpenIFS model (or the IFS).

Learning objectives:

  1. understand the core scientific and numerical elements of a NWP model
  2. be able to install, modify and work with the model
  3. conduct experiments using a extreme weather example and manipulate model output.  

24 May 09:00 - 27 May 16:25

Course fee: £660 (for non-member states)

About our fees