Virtual Event: Annual Seminar 2020

Compatible finite elements for numerical weather prediction


Colin Cotter (Imperial College)


Compatible finite element methods have two aspects that make them exciting for use in dynamical cores. The first is that they extend the linear wave propagation of C grid methods (steady geostrophic modes, lack of spurious pressure modes, absence of spurious inertial oscillation modes) to non-affine grids such as the cubed sphere, whilst allowing flexibility to alter pressure/velocity degree-of-freedom ratios (to eradicate spurious inertia-gravity wave oscillations) and increase the order of consistency on arbitrary grids. The second is that they have a natural framework for incorporating conservation of energy and enstrophy (or appropriate dissipation of these at the small scale, with correct energy transfers between kinetic and potential energy). I will survey both of these, and report recent work on bringing these methods closer to operational use, considering efficient implicit solvers, upwinding methods and coupling with moisture parameterisations.

Presentation materials
