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Annual Seminar 2022
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Boundary layer and Turbulence
Air sea exchange (process and extended range)
Physics dynamics interface and gravity waves (stratosphere)
Microphysics and clouds
Land surface and orographic drag
Lessons learned from global km-scale simulations
Linear physics in data assimilation
Ensembles, stochastic physics and machine learning
Include materials from selected sessions
35 years old or forever young?: aspects and structures seen with the IFS convection parametrisation and efforts towards 1-4 km resolutions (in session "Convection")
A dynamic approach to 3D radiative transfer in NWP models (in session "Radiation")
A prognostic-stochastic and scale-adaptive cumulus convection closure for improved tropical variability and convective gray-zone representation in NOAA’s Unified Forecast System (UFS) (in session "Convection")
Accounting for the complex nature of unresolved orography in models (in session "Land surface and orographic drag")
Air sea exchange and wind wave interactions (in session "Air sea exchange (process and extended range)")
Annual Seminar dinner
Atmospheric energy spectra in kilometer-scale global simulations (in session "Physics dynamics interface and gravity waves (stratosphere)")
Bubbles in breaking waves and their role in air-sea exchange (in session "Air sea exchange (process and extended range)")
Challenges and recent progress in representing radiative processes in NWP models (in session "Radiation")
Challenges for modelling cloud and precipitation across scales (in session "Microphysics and clouds")
Challenges representing orographic drag in (Canadian) numerical prediction systems (in session "Land surface and orographic drag")
Challenging physics in seamless forecasts: Air-sea interactions in the tropics (in session "Air sea exchange (process and extended range)")
Cloud Microphysics Across Scales for Seamless Prediction (in session "Microphysics and clouds")
Current experimental challenges in atmospheric boundary-layer research and their impact on parameterisations (in session "Boundary layer and Turbulence")
Ensemble forecasting and the representation of physical processes (in session "Ensembles, stochastic physics and machine learning")
Estimating soil moisture and vegetation at multiple scales using satellite data assimilation over Europe (in session "Land surface and orographic drag")
Hectometric-scale NWP model AROME (in session "Boundary layer and Turbulence")
How to represent deep convection at km-scale resolutions? (in session "Convection")
Icebreaker reception
Implementing double moment cloud microphysics into the regional configuration of the Unified Model (in session "Microphysics and clouds")
Improving the representation of supercooled liquid water in the HARMONIE-AROME model (in session "Microphysics and clouds")
Km-scale climate simulations (in session "Lessons learned from global km-scale simulations")
Km-scale simulations with IFS and lessons learned for physics parametrization development (in session "Lessons learned from global km-scale simulations")
Land Surface Warm Processes for Seamless Forecasts (in session "Land surface and orographic drag")
Lightning in forecasts and data assimilation (in session "Convection")
Linearized physics at ECMWF: 25 years old and counting (in session "Linear physics in data assimilation")
Machine learning for parametrised physics (in session "Ensembles, stochastic physics and machine learning")
Microphysical controls on humidity, radiation and the tropical energy budget in global storm-resolving models (in session "Microphysics and clouds")
Model Uncertainty Representation in a Convection-Permitting Ensemble - SPP and SPPT in HarmonEPS (in session "Ensembles, stochastic physics and machine learning")
Modelling turbulence and boundary-layer processes in valleys and mountainous topography (in session "Boundary layer and Turbulence")
Momentum transport across scales in complex cloudy atmospheres (in session "Boundary layer and Turbulence")
Parameterization approaches in ICON for the convective gray zone (in session "Convection")
Poster session
Poster session
Poster session
Progress in Tropical Weather and Climate Prediction with Global km-scale Models (in session "Lessons learned from global km-scale simulations")
Recent developments at Meteo-France in convection parametrization for Global Circulation Models and turbulence-convection interaction for Limited-Area Models (in session "Convection")
Resolved gravity waves in the stratosphere: Impact of horizontal resolution increase from O(10 km) to O(1 km) (in session "Physics dynamics interface and gravity waves (stratosphere)")
Seamless cloudspotting: constraining clouds and microphysical processes via data assimilation (in session "Microphysics and clouds")
Single-band approach – a way to full cloud-radiation interaction (in session "Radiation")
Snow modelling and cryosphere-atmosphere interactions (in session "Land surface and orographic drag")
Stochastic parameterization of shallow convection – applications, performance and limitations (in session "Ensembles, stochastic physics and machine learning")
Strong coupling between physics and dynamics: the end of the 1D model? (in session "Physics dynamics interface and gravity waves (stratosphere)")
Summary and discussion (in session "Ensembles, stochastic physics and machine learning")
The Two-Energies Turbulence Scheme and Length Scale Formulations (in session "Boundary layer and Turbulence")
Towards More Unified Treatment of Turbulence, Shallow Convection, and Clouds: A Second-Order Scheme with Prognostic Scalar Variances (in session "Boundary layer and Turbulence")
Unlocking the potential of spectrally resolved radiation observations for Earth System Model evaluation (in session "Radiation")
Vegetation controls on land-atmosphere interactions (in session "Land surface and orographic drag")
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Events scheduled on
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Annual Seminar photos