Webinar: Cycle 48r1 verification, new products and technical aspects

15:00-16:00 UTC | March 15, 2023


Florian Pappenberger, ECMWF's Director of Forecasts and Matthieu Chevallier, Head of Evaluation


ECMWF’s first new scientific model upgrade in the new Data Centre in Bologna, IFS Cycle 48r1, is scheduled for June 2023. 

With IFS Cycle 48r1, the horizontal resolution of the medium-range ensemble (ENS) will increase from 18 to 9 km, bringing it to the same resolution as the high-resolution forecast (HRES). 

Cycle 48r1 will also bring a major upgrade to the configuration of the extended-range ensemble (ENS extended): Rather than being an extension of the medium-range forecasts starting twice a week at day 15 it will be a separate system, running daily from 00 UTC out to day 46 with 101 members. As a result of these configuration changes Cycle 48r1 will offer two sets of re-forecasts, one for the medium range and one for the extended range. 

To reduce the data volume resulting from these changes,  CCSDS compression will be introduced as the default packing type for all gridded model output in GRIB 2 format.

In this webinar Florian Pappenberger, Director of Forecasts, and Matthieu Chevallier, Head of Evaluation, presented the latest model verification, new products, and technical aspects like the access to test data and the handling of increased ensemble data volumes.

This webinar was open to all ECMWF data and forecast users. 

