Workshop: Observational campaigns for better weather forecasts

Arctic Clouds - Evaluating Modelled Cloud with Field Observations


Ian Brooks (University of Leeds)


Extensive surface based remote sensing observations of Arctic clouds have been made during two recent research cruises: Arctic Cloud in Summer Experiment (ACSE, 2014) and the Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic (MOCCHA, 2018). The cloud properties were retrieved using Cloudnet from measurements by Doppler cloud radar, lidar, scanning microwave radiometer, and 6-hourly radiosondes. Here we present details of the observations and a preliminary evaluation of model output from the IFS.

Primary authors

Ian Brooks (University of Leeds) Jonathan Day Dr Peggy Achtert (University of Reading) Dr Jutta Vüllers (University of Leeds) Michael Tjernström (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials