Virtual Event: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2020)

Using ECMWF Ensemble Products in Tropical Cyclone Field Program Planning


Prof. Sharanya Majumdar (University of Miami)


Over the past fifteen years, during and after the THORPEX era, several novel experimental products based on ECMWF ensemble data have been developed for use during tropical cyclone field campaigns. The products include guidance for targeted observations; track probabilities; probabilities of tropical cyclogenesis and related environmental quantities; and diagnostics related to tropical cyclone outflow. New diagnostic tools related to tropical cyclone structure and intensity change will be trialled for use during the 2020 Atlantic and Western North Pacific field campaigns. A review of the utilization of these products and key results will be presented.

Primary author

Prof. Sharanya Majumdar (University of Miami)

Presentation materials