Virtual Event: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2020)

Developing applications for climate and meteorology in the CDS Toolbox - interactive session


Edward Comyn-Platt (ECMWF)


The Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) aims to bring climate data to a wide audience of users. From users with a skilled technical background who would like access raw model and observation data for research purposes, to higher level users that would like to access the final product to help inform decisions.

The CDS achieves this by acting as the gateway to the data which is hosted on servers around the world, and providing the online processing tools so that users can process the data to meaningful and understandable results. This reduces the amount of resource lost through data transfer and hosting, and improves transparency as all users access the data via the same entry point.

This session will give an introduction to the objectives and architecture of the CDS, and a short interactive session where attendees can begin to develop their own applications to explore the data hosted on the CDS

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