Virtual Event: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2020)

ECMWF Future Plans: Reading, Bologna and global forecasting


Florian Pappenberger


ECMWF’s goal by 2025 is to provide forecast information needed to help save lives, protect infrastructure and promote economic development in Member and Co-operating States through research and operational ensemble-based analyses and predictions.

This session will present ECMWF plans and provide updates on ongoing work programs which will to help achieve this goal. Current progress and timeline for the Bologna Our New Datacentre will be shown, and an overview of operational plans will be given. Updates on model and software developments including the new model cycle 47r1 and new and updated ECMWF products and services including Copernicus will be presented.

Users are a key to everything that is done at ECMWF, so we welcome comments and feedback on the all topics.

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