4th CAMS Policy User Workshop

| Venue: the DG-DEFIS BREY auditorium at Avenue d'Auderghem 45 - 1040 - Etterbeek in Brussels, Belgium | March 12, 2020

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is holding a 1-day workshop for existing and potential policy users of CAMS on Thursday 12th March 2020.

It is organised in co-operation with DG-Environment Clean Air Unit and DG-Defense Industry and Space and DG-Energy. The meeting will be held at the DG-DEFIS BREY auditorium at Avenue d'Auderghem 45 - 1040 - Etterbeek in Brussels, Belgium.

Copernicus is an EU funded Earth observation programme designed to provide data and information freely and openly through six services to tackle environmental challenges and stimulate innovation and economic growth. The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides continuous data and information on air quality, atmospheric composition, and climate change.

The CAMS policy products are shaped based on feedback from users and policymakers across Europe and consolidated through years of research and development projects. The current products with interest for policymakers describe air quality in Europe and its evolution over the years, identifying air pollution episodes as well as the main drivers and responsible sources for such pollution events. The CAMS policy products are intended to support national environmental users in the process of reporting the cause of exceedances in their countries and in the elaboration of Clean Air plans and programmes under European legislation.

Workshop outline

The 4th CAMS policy user workshop will bring a unique opportunity to interact with the environmental community and discuss future options for a responsible use of CAMS products in the implementation of Clean Air policies.

The growing experience in the use of the CAMS policy products and tools enables an informed discussion on the advantages and limitations of these products at national, regional and urban level. During the 4th CAMS Policy User Workshop, participants will be invited to reflect on priorities in the next phase of Copernicus for stimulate participatory activities and increase the uptake of CAMS policy products and tools by the policy user community at national level.

During the workshop

  • the CAMS team will provide updates on their main products and present advances in the service;
  • you will learn more about the capabilities and limitations of the CAMS products, emissions and source allocation data for air quality management;
  • you will be invited to reflect on priorities in the next phase of Copernicus to stimulate the uptake of the CAMS tools in your country;
  • you will have the opportunity to tell the CAMS team what you might need from CAMS, thereby shaping the future development of the service;
  • ways of increased cooperation and coordination with the environmental policy community active in EIONET and FAIRMODE to avoid duplication of work will be explored.


Participation for the CAMS Policy User Workshop is free of charge. CAMS will provide refreshments and lunch during the day, while participants are expected to cover their own cost for travel and accommodation.

Please register your participation by 6th March 2020 at the CAMS registration page (opening soon).