LIVE @ECMWF Summer of Weather Code Ask Me Anything session

| Webinar | April 1, 2020

The deadline for applying to ECMWF’s Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) is 22 April 2020. We are organising two live 'Ask me anything' webinars for potential participants to ask questions about the programme, the proposals or specific challenges. Each webinar will last 45 minutes and will cover the following:

  • The ESoWC 2020 explained (15 min)
  • Experience report from an ESoWC 2019 team (15 min)
  • Q&A session (15 min)

Participants will be able to ask questions such as:

  • What is ECMWF Summer of Weather Code?
  • What are this year’s challenges?
  • What’s in it for me and why should I be part of #ESoWC2020?
  • What is the feedback from former #ESoWC participants?
  • What are the selection criteria and what makes a good proposal?

The live sessions will take place on 1 April at 14:00 (CET) and 8 April at 14:00 (CET).

Participants can register on the ESoWC website. Connection details will be sent via email two days before the webinar.

On the ESoWC twitter page, participants can use the hashtag #ESoWC2020 to send questions in advance to be discussed during the live webinar.