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Virtual workshop: Weather and climate in the cloud
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Session 4 : Models in the cloud
Session 2 : Cloud applications
Session 1 : Cloud services
Session 3 : Standards
Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud
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An introduction to the OGC Environmental Data Retrieval API (in session "Session 3 : Standards")
Architecture, Principles and Practices for Enterprise Ready, Multi-Cloud Spatiotemporal Data Platforms (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
Aviso: Enabling notifications for meteorological workflows across HPC and Cloud data centres (in session "Session 3 : Standards")
Bridging the gap between Big Earth Data users and future (cloud-based) data systems - Towards a better understanding of user requirements of cloud-based data systems (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
Canadian Weather Service OGC Standards Implementation (in session "Session 3 : Standards")
Climate (CDS) and Atmospheric (ADS) Data Stores: a cloud hosted infrastructure (in session "Session 1 : Cloud services")
Conducting the ICON Training "in the Cloud" - Lessons Learned (in session "Session 2 : Cloud applications")
Data service for weather data based on zarr and xarray (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
Data Tailor Web Service: the cloud-native data customisation at EUMETSAT (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
deepGEFF: Forecasting Wildfire Danger with Deep Learning (in session "Session 2 : Cloud applications")
Deploying the MONARCH atmospheric model in the Cloud (in session "Session 4 : Models in the cloud")
Development of a cloud-accessible application to bring meteorological data to users in the public health sector in England (in session "Session 2 : Cloud applications")
Discussion : Models in the cloud (in session "Session 4 : Models in the cloud")
Discussion on data services: 1) What does the community need? 2) What services do users like to see? (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
Discussion on standards: 1) What does the community need? 2) What standards for services do users like to see of data services? (in session "Session 3 : Standards")
Discussion: Cloud applications (in session "Session 2 : Cloud applications")
Enabling Machine Learning for weather and climate data in the cloud (in session "Session 2 : Cloud applications")
European Weather Cloud - a tailored cloud for our community (in session "Session 1 : Cloud services")
European Weather Cloud in action (in session "Session 1 : Cloud services")
European Weather Cloud under the hood, Improving cloud offering from IaaS to PaaS (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
Geo Engine: Explore and Combine Spatio-Temporal Data in the Cloud (in session "Session 2 : Cloud applications")
JEDI in the Cloud (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
LEXIS and HiDALGO: Enabling Complex Big Data Workflows across HPC and Cloud Centres (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
OpenWIS Association: Stronger Together (in session "Session 3 : Standards")
Organisational notes
Pangeo Forge: Crowdsourcing Analysis-Ready, Cloud Optimized Data (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
RAPS on AWS (in session "Session 4 : Models in the cloud")
Setting the scene - Weather and climate in the cloud
The use of real time forecasts for CBRN dispersion and response modelling (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
Weather & climate data analysis with Google Earth Engine (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
Weather and climate applications with the AWS cloud (in session "Session 1 : Cloud services")
WEkEO, the DIAS platform powered by EUMETSAT, ECMWF and MERCATOR OCEAN (in session "Session 1 : Cloud services")
Welcome (in session "Session 3 : Standards")
Welcome (in session "Session 5 : Big Data processing in the cloud")
WIS2 - A brief introduction (in session "Session 3 : Standards")
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