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6th WGNE workshop on systematic errors in weather and climate models
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Clouds and precipitation
(Sub-)tropical circulation
Atmosphere-Ocean-Land-Cryosphere interactions
Stratosphere-Troposphere interactions
Quantifying uncertainty
Machine learning / AI and data assimilation: novel techniques to diagnose, measure or resolve systematic errors
Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system
Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors
Abstract Competition Winners
Registration and Welcome
Ice breaker and Poster session 1
Poster session 2
Breakout sessions
Poster session 3
Destination Earth - Digital Twins of Earth Opportunities and Challenges
Informal talk and discussion on Digital Earth Lighthouse activity
Breakout session plenary
Coffee and poster session 4: online only
Include materials from selected sessions
A causal networks framework for process-oriented dynamical Model evaluation (in session "Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors")
A clearer view of cloudy skies: Understanding systematic cloud and radiation errors in the ECMWF global model (in session "Clouds and precipitation")
A Hybrid Cloud Fraction Scheme: Evaluation and Sensitivity to Phase Overlap (in session "Clouds and precipitation")
Addressing the calibration bottleneck using machine learning: application to the CNRM-CM6-1 climate model (in session "Machine learning / AI and data assimilation: novel techniques to diagnose, measure or resolve systematic errors")
An attempt to simulate Mean state in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (Version 2) through a Stochastic Multicloud Model calibrated through Indian Radar Data (in session "Abstract Competition Winners")
An Evaluation of Short-Term Forecasts of Wintertime Boundary-Layer and Surface Energy Budget Statistics in the Central Arctic (in session "Atmosphere-Ocean-Land-Cryosphere interactions")
Closure (in session "Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors")
Constraining the large spread of future ocean carbon sinks in ESMs (in session "Quantifying uncertainty")
Destination Earth first high-priority Digital Twins (in session "Informal talk and discussion on Digital Earth Lighthouse activity")
Does choice of bulk surface flux algorithm contribute to systematic errors in climate and forecast models? (in session "Atmosphere-Ocean-Land-Cryosphere interactions")
Impact of high-resolution land surface data assimilation on Fog: A case study from the WiFEX campaign (in session "Abstract Competition Winners")
Impact of tropical eastern Pacific warming bias on Caribbean climate (in session "(Sub-)tropical circulation")
Importance of the representation of warm conveyor belts for the predictability of the large-scale flow on sub-seasonal time scales (in session "Quantifying uncertainty")
Improving surface heat flux over the Arctic with the coupled climate model EC-Earth3 (in session "Atmosphere-Ocean-Land-Cryosphere interactions")
Informal drinks in Reading Town Centre
Informal drinks in Reading Town Centre
Keynote presentation: Diagnosing and Addressing Model Error in High-Resolution Tropical Cyclone Predictions (in session "(Sub-)tropical circulation")
Keynote presentation: Impact of stochastic parameterizations on coupled simulations with CESM2 (in session "Quantifying uncertainty")
Keynote presentation: Model Evaluation and Intercomparison of Marine Warm Low Cloud Fractions with Neural Network Ensembles (in session "Machine learning / AI and data assimilation: novel techniques to diagnose, measure or resolve systematic errors")
Keynote presentation: Recent Progress and Challenges on Global sub-5km mesh Model Experiments from the Sub-seasonal to Climate Scales (in session "Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system")
Keynote presentation: Representation of clouds and precipitation in storm-resolving coupled global simulations (in session "Clouds and precipitation")
Keynote presentation: Towards a bias-free stratosphere (in session "Stratosphere-Troposphere interactions")
Missing eddy feedback may explain weak signal to noise ratios in climate predictions (in session "Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system")
Mitigating climate biases in the mid-latitude North Atlantic by increasing model resolution: SST gradients and their relation to blocking and the jet (in session "Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system")
MJO impacts on South America monsoon season and their modulation by ENSO in MetUM-GOML3 model (in session "Abstract Competition Winners")
Ocean bias correction in coupled model predictions: ocean tendency adjustment based on data assimilation and machine learning (in session "Machine learning / AI and data assimilation: novel techniques to diagnose, measure or resolve systematic errors")
On the biases in South Asian Summer Monsoon precipitation simulations (in session "(Sub-)tropical circulation")
On the Sensitivity of the Simulated Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation to 3-Hourly Radiosonde Assimilation: A Case Study over the Western Maritime Continent (in session "(Sub-)tropical circulation")
Outcomes from UGROW-IO: Forecast errors in the Eastern Indian Ocean across lead times (in session "Atmosphere-Ocean-Land-Cryosphere interactions")
Parameterizing ocean turbulence: Bias reduction via advanced representation of mesoscale eddies (in session "Atmosphere-Ocean-Land-Cryosphere interactions")
Physical processes driving mean-state biases in MetUM simulations of the summer West Pacific subtropical high (in session "Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors")
Rapid development of ENSO-related seasonal forecast errors (in session "(Sub-)tropical circulation")
Reducing systematic forecast errors by coupling uncertain model parameters to data assimilation (in session "Machine learning / AI and data assimilation: novel techniques to diagnose, measure or resolve systematic errors")
Reducing the Effects of Model Errors by Augmenting the Numerical Model with a Machine Learning Component (in session "Machine learning / AI and data assimilation: novel techniques to diagnose, measure or resolve systematic errors")
Reducing Tropical Cyclone Biases in the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability (in session "(Sub-)tropical circulation")
Registration (in session "Registration and Welcome")
Skill and biases in medium-range forecast models using the same initial conditions (in session "Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors")
Stratosphere and stratosphere-troposphere coupling biases in subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast models: An international SNAP community effort (in session "Stratosphere-Troposphere interactions")
Systematic errors in the Asian monsoon in the Met Office Unified Model (in session "Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors")
Tackling systematic model errors related to the representation of convective precipitation at storm-scale resolutions in ECMWF’s Integrated Forecasting System (in session "Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system")
The dependence of anvil cloud fraction on horizontal resolution in radiative-convective equilibrium (in session "Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system")
The Indo-Pacific MJO pathway: Coupling, physics and continental barriers to propagation (in session "(Sub-)tropical circulation")
The representation of convection in the Unified Model at 1.5 km to 100 m gridlength (in session "Clouds and precipitation")
Uncertainty in the stratospheric mean state in reanalyses (in session "Quantifying uncertainty")
Underestimation of Arctic warming trends in sub-seasonal reforecasts (in session "Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors")
Use of short-range forecasts to evaluate fast physics processes relevant for climate sensitivity (in session "Novel approaches to diagnose, measure or reduce systematic errors")
Welcome Plenary (in session "Registration and Welcome")
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