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RFI 2022
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Session: Impact of RFI observation (RA-I)
Session: RFI detection techniques in remote sensing (EO-I)
Session 2: Large satellite constellations
Session 1: Welcome and keynotes
Session 3: RFI in active remote sensing systems
Session 5: Keynote
Session 4: Active-passive services
Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation
Session 6: RFI observations in remote sensing
Poster session
Session 8: RFI in the design of future remote sensing systems
Session 7: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing (EO-I)
Session 10: RFI impact on satellite Earth System satellite products
Session 12: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing
Session 13: Filtering techniques
Session 14: Spectrum management for science
Session 11: Detection techniques
Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts
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A Global Overview of the Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Sources as Detected by the MeerKAT telescope (in session "Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation")
A New Pipeline for Characterizing and Recording Radio Frequency Interference for the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst Project (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
A Novel RFI mitigation technique to reject out of band RFI signals before LNA using metamaterial design (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Adaptive Compensation for Interleaving Artefacts in Multi-Converter ADCs for Radio Astronomy (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Aeronautcal Radio Frequency Interference and the Square Kilometre Array (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
An ITWG view on Spectrum (in session "Session 10: RFI impact on satellite Earth System satellite products")
Broadband RFI Receivers for Radio Astronomy - Lessons learnt (in session "Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation")
Closing remarks
Deep Learning Based RFI Detection and Mitigation for SMAP Using Convolutional Neural Networks (in session "Session 7: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing (EO-I)")
Detected RFI from Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers and its possible Implications (in session "Session 6: RFI observations in remote sensing")
Developing an IEEE Standard to Assess Interference on Remote Sensing Frequency Bands (in session "Session 6: RFI observations in remote sensing")
Developing the First Deep Learning Search for Technosignatures with the Green Bank Telescope (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Earth Observation Sensors in Protected Bands and UWB Technologies - A Risk Analysis (in session "Session 4: Active-passive services")
Efficacy of RFI Excision Using Cyclostationary Signal Processing in Real-World Astronomical Data (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
How RFI impacts single-dish radio astronomy and what we are doing about it (in session "Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation")
Impact of large LEO satellite constellations on radio astronomy (in session "Session 2: Large satellite constellations")
Impact of Microwave Data Assimilation in the Harmonie-Arome Forecast System (in session "Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts")
Impact of new 5G network components on out-of-band emissions at 23.8 GHz (in session "Session 4: Active-passive services")
Impact of Radio Frequency Interferences on Ionospheric Scintillations and TEC Monitoring in Mediterranean Area
Impacts and Statistics of Ocean-Reflected RFI Observed by GMI (in session "Session 10: RFI impact on satellite Earth System satellite products")
Introducing Machine Learning In The Ground RFI Detection System (GRDS) (in session "Session 12: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing")
IQRM smart, non-parametric and real-time frequency channel masking for astrophysical fast radio transient searches (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
ITU activity for space science services (in session "Session 14: Spectrum management for science")
Keynote: Communicating Impacts of RFI on NWP across the Weather Enterprise - A Case Study on 24 GHz Policy Developments in the United States (in session "Session 1: Welcome and keynotes")
Keynote: Spectrum allocations and interference in scientific services: outlook and challenges (in session "Session 1: Welcome and keynotes")
L-band RFI in NWP (in session "Session 12: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing")
Measurements of expected and unexpected RFI in the VHF band at the Murchison Radi (in session "Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation")
Megaconstellations of Telecommunication Satellites and their Potential Impact on Remote Sensing (in session "Session 2: Large satellite constellations")
Mitigating radio frequency interference in frequency-channelized intensity data (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Near Real-Time RFI Monitoring Database (in session "Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation")
Novel Approaches in Radio Frequency Interference Detection for Microwave Radiometry (in session "Session 12: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing")
NWP monitoring of RFI in microwave observations (in session "Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts")
On-Board RFI Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems using Digital Beamforming (in session "Session 3: RFI in active remote sensing systems")
Performance Tests of SK-based RFI Real-Time Detection and Flagging Strategies for Multiple-Antenna Systems with the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
Polarimetric Properties of RFI in SAR Raw Data (in session "Session 3: RFI in active remote sensing systems")
Potential impact of RFI on NWP - A Canadian perspective (in session "Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts")
Potential impacts of Radio Frequency Interference on precipitation retrievals from space from an IPWG perspective (in session "Session 10: RFI impact on satellite Earth System satellite products")
Pre-event talk: Microwave Photonics for Removing 5G/6G RFI using SBS Notch Filters
Predicting and Measuring the Effect of RFI on 21-cm Epoch of Reionization Power Spectrum Measurements (in session "Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation")
Protection of the radio quiet sky in China (in session "Session 14: Spectrum management for science")
PSRFINET Radio frequency interference detection in pulsar data with deep neural networks (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
Radio Frequency Interference at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst Project (in session "Session 4: Active-passive services")
Radio Frequency Interference mitigation for astronomy with phased array feeds (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Radio Frequency Interference Observed In 500-2000 Mhz Microwave Radiometer Measurements (in session "Session 6: RFI observations in remote sensing")
Radio Frequency Interference Study from 500 MHz to 2 GHz (in session "Session 6: RFI observations in remote sensing")
Radio Frequency Shielding of a Multi-Storied Building at GMRT Observatory (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Real time RFI monitoring for Radio Telescope Array (in session "Session 5: RFI inventory and source detection & Impact of RFI observation")
Real-time RFI Filtering for uGMRT Observations - Shared-risk Release and Optimal System Configuration (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
RFI Detection and Mitigation Processor for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiomter Satellite (in session "Session 8: RFI in the design of future remote sensing systems")
RFI Detection in Sentinel-1 SLC Image Based on Complex Valued Semantic Cognition Network (in session "Session 3: RFI in active remote sensing systems")
RFI Detection using Novelty in Autoencoders (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
RFI filtering using Empirical Mode Decomposition (in session "Session 7: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing (EO-I)")
Second Generation RFI Detection Options for IMT Signals and NWP Applications (in session "Session 8: RFI in the design of future remote sensing systems")
Simulating Spectral Kurtosis Mitigation Against Realistic RFI Signals (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Simulation Tool to Analyze RFI Counteraction Algorithms in Various Satellite Scenarios (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
Simulations of potential impact of RFI on assimilation of AMSU-A data at the Met Office (in session "Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts")
Some Australian region microwave forecast impact results for the Bureau of Meteorology Global NWP System (in session "Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts")
Spectrum Monitoring and Enforcement of Science Services from the Perspective of the Regulator (in session "Session 14: Spectrum management for science")
Spectrum sharing via collaborative RFI cancellation for radio astronomy (in session "Session 13: Filtering techniques")
Statistics of Detection, Reporting and Shutdown of Interferent Sources In L-Band observed by SMOS (in session "Session 6: RFI observations in remote sensing")
Strategies to mitigate the impact of RFI for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) (in session "Session 8: RFI in the design of future remote sensing systems")
The 6-7.5 GHZ Band – Importance for EO Observations and Potential RFI Issues (in session "Session 4: Active-passive services")
The Hat Creek Radio Observatory Prototype National Radio Dynamic Zone (in session "Session 4: Active-passive services")
The Potential Impact of RFI on the Assimilation of Microwave Radiances at NCEP (in session "Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts")
Uncovering your nightmare - software-supported compatibility studies (in session "Session 14: Spectrum management for science")
Unintended electromagnetic radiation of large satellite constellations and its impact on radio astronomy (in session "Session 2: Large satellite constellations")
Update on the Activities of the US National Academies' Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF) (in session "Session 14: Spectrum management for science")
Use of satellite microwave observations in JMA global NWP system and some evidences of RFI in AMSR2 observation (in session "Session 9: Impact of RFI on NWP weather forecasts")
Using Machine Learning Algorithms To Detect And Classify RFI - Illustration Using Soil Moisture Active/Passive (Smap) Data (in session "Session 12: Interference detection techniques in remote sensing")
VHF antenna calibration for RFI monitoring using sky signal (in session "Session 11: Detection techniques")
Welcome to the RFI 2022 Workshop by ECMWF and URSI (in session "Session 1: Welcome and keynotes")
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