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Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2022)
Thematic areas
Recordings and presentations
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Material Package
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User Engagement and Feedback
Climate Data visualisation
Updates from ECMWF
Updates from ECMWF
ECMWF Updates
Theme: Presenting and visualising meteorological data
Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data
Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data - 3D and Virtual Reality
Theme: Communicating forecast data
Using Copernicus and climate data
Theme: Climate data visualisation and communication
Severe Weather Forecasting
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"Visualising Meteorological Data" - Introducing the theme (in session "Updates from ECMWF")
Arrival, registration and coffee
Concluding Remarks and Close
Creative Use of Colour to Satisfy Different User Needs (in session "Theme: Presenting and visualising meteorological data")
Doing more with what we have: adding narrative and skill to NWP output through automated event-precursor analysis (in session "Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data")
Dynamic data Visualization for Climate Data (in session "Theme: Climate data visualisation and communication")
Earth Observation Data and Social Media (in session "Theme: Communicating forecast data")
ECMWF - Forecasting for the future (in session "Updates from ECMWF")
ECMWF product development (in session "Updates from ECMWF")
ECMWF research progress and plans (in session "Updates from ECMWF")
Establish an Enhanced Climate Change resilience over Lake Kivu basin (in session "Using Copernicus and climate data")
European State of the Climate Report: a success story to communicate climate data effectively (in session "Theme: Climate data visualisation and communication")
Flood Forecasting at Google - Flood Warning System and Research (in session "Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data")
Forecasting Large Hail using Logistic Models and the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (in session "Severe Weather Forecasting")
Interactive data visualisation and pre-processing with ECMWF's Metview software (in session "Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data")
Interactive Visualisation Session
Invited presentation: Effective data visualisation for decision making and making an impact (in session "Theme: Climate data visualisation and communication")
Invited presentation: Storm Naming and Conveying Risk (in session "Theme: Communicating forecast data")
Invited presentation: Visualising climate change (in session "Updates from ECMWF")
Invited presentation: Visualizing data for impact: a participatory journey from data to storytelling (in session "Theme: Climate data visualisation and communication")
Met.3D: Interactive 3D visualization for rapid exploration of atmospheric ensemble simulation data (in session "Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data - 3D and Virtual Reality")
Model output to weather forecasts: the need to address the known unknowns (in session "User Engagement and Feedback")
New visualisation of forecast system diagnostics (in session "Updates from ECMWF")
News on ECMWF's forecast performance (in session "Updates from ECMWF")
Optional seminar: The Open Data Pathway
Plans for SEAS6 and outcomes of a User Consultation (in session "User Engagement and Feedback")
Poster session and drinks reception
Predicting PM2.5 concentration across India using multisource earth observation data and machine learning (in session "Using Copernicus and climate data")
Resonance Space VR - Translating Climate Data Into An Interactive Bigdata Sculpture (in session "Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data - 3D and Virtual Reality")
Speakers' Corner
The Copernicus Climate Data Store (in session "Theme: Climate data visualisation and communication")
The Météo-France surveillance automated system for meteorological data (in session "Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data")
The National Weather Service Whole Story Uncertainty and Probabilities Viewer (in session "Theme: Technology to display and process meteorological data - 3D and Virtual Reality")
Toward a petascale data hackathon for exploring the 1-km IFS nature run (in session "User Engagement and Feedback")
UEF2022 Dinner
User Voice Corner
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Events scheduled on
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UEF2022 photos