Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2022)

Optional seminar: The Open Data Pathway


Emma Pidduck (ECMWF)


Open data has been recognised as one of the main tools to maximise the socio-economic benefits of investments in data production, and forms a key part of the ECMWF Strategy between now and 2030. ECMWF products and weather data in general contribute to a broad range of activities by service providers, and their use enables and enhances the protection of life and property by National Weather Services. In order to realise the full potential of open policies, data need to be easily accessible and available.

This presentation highlights the roadmap for the transition to open data, including a summary of recent changes to data policy and data access methods, as well as the proposed changes in the coming years, such as new and updated open datasets, as well as reductions in the cost of data. The challenges associated with the transition are also presented.

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