Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2022)

Earth Observation Data and Social Media


Hayley Evers-King (EUMETSAT)


Social media platforms offer a way to engage with a wide range of people from across all sectors of society. As such they can be an effective way to share the relevance of Earth Observation data (and derived products and services) to everyday life and beyond.

However, using social media platforms effectively can require styles of communication that are not overly familiar to scientists and those working in the technical aspects of the sector. Beyond that, different platforms also work in different ways, and the most effective communication styles for each also vary.

In this presentation we'll explore some examples of how information and imagery from Earth Observation and related products and services have been shared on different social media platforms to engage with diverse audiences. We'll look at how different social media accounts present themselves, with a particular focus on what the ‘passionate individual’ can do to use these platforms in their work.

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