Space Working Party
12 March Dinner & optional guided tour
13 March
08:15 | 8:45 | Bus transfer from hotel in Bologna |
08:45 | 9:00 | Arrival at ECMWF premises (welcome coffee) |
09:00 | 9:15 | Welcome addresses Dr. Florence Rabier (ECMWF Director General), Martyna Perek (Space Working Party Chair). |
09:15 | 10:00 | Serving and supporting Member and Cooperating States for Global Numerical Prediction since 1975 This block will introduce the delegates to the weather forecasting activities that are at the core of ECMWF’s activities. It will showcase how the Centre leverages european (and non-european) Earth Observation to provide impactful data and services to society, rooted in cutting-edge science. |
10:00 | 10:20 | Break |
10:20 | 11:05 | The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) CAMS started in 2014 as an operational Service, based on more than a decade of Research and Innovation organised by ECMWF working together with numerous entities distributed in Europe. Key products areas include air quality, solar energy and emissions of greenhouse gases with strong links to European policies. |
11:05 | 11:50 | Visit of ECMWF Data Centre Visitors will be guided through the Data Centre, including the High Performance Computers, the main ECMWF archive and the common cloud infrastructure hosting the European Weather Cloud, the Climate Data Store and the Atmosphere Data Store. |
12:00 | 13:15 | Working lunch and interactive displays & experiences This will be an informal working lunch allowing delegates to discuss with ECMWF participants. There will be also some demonstrations of Copernicus and DestinE products. |
13:15 | 14:00 | The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) C3S is the largest of all Copernicus Service, providing authoritative and comprehensive insight on the past, present and future of the Earth’s climate. One of the headline products of C3S is the reanalysis, which is used to update on the state of the climate in Europe and globally and has a major impact in press and media. C3S products support in many more ways European climate actions as it will be highlighted. |
14:00 | 14:45 | The Digital Twins of the Earth powering DestinE ECMWF is working together with the European Space Agency and Eumetsat to implement Destination Earth on behalf of the European Commission DG-CNECT. The Centre’s contributions are around the development and operations of two Digital Twins, one on weather extremes and one on climate, and of a Digital Twin Engine. ECMWF is also trailblazing on the use of Artificial Intelligence. All these activities unlock novel service capabilities. |
14:45 | 15:15 | Conclusions & transfer to Bologna train station |