18th Workshop on high performance computing in meteorology

Running ARPEGE-NH at 2.5km


Philippe Marguinaud (Météo-France)


For about 15 years, Météo-France has been running non-hydrostatic limited area models in operations. These non-hydrostatic dynamics, currently used in Météo-France limited area model AROME can be enabled in our global model ARPEGE.
The renewal of Météo-France HPC systems in 2020 shall increase its computing power by a factor of five, and may make possible the operation of a short-range (2 or 3 days) global very high-resolution non-hydrostatic model. Météo-France is currently engaged in the Dyamond project whose purpose is the comparison of different non-hydrostatic global models running at 2.5km.
The presentation will describe the workings of the non-hydrostatic dynamics, the expected and measured performance of ARPEGE-NH, and the work achieved so far in the framework of the Dyamond project. We will eventually discuss the feasibility of implementing a 2.5km ARPEGE-NH in operations.

Affiliation Météo-France

Primary author

Philippe Marguinaud (Météo-France)

Presentation materials