Workshop: Observational campaigns for better weather forecasts
What will happen during YOPP SOP3?
Gunilla Svensson
(Stockholm University)
The Special Observing Periods (SOPs) within the Year of Polar Prediction aim to provide enhanced observations for the benefit of model improvement for NWP. SOP1 and SOP2 provide additional radiosoundings for a winter and summer period during 2018. For the third one, the SOP3, it is the ambition to coordinate additional observations complementary to the MOSAiC effort. The aim is to target warm airmasses that are heading to the Arctic and the MOSAiC site and cold airmasses advected southward. For the SOP3 to be successful, NWP support is needed for planning. The presentation will present the planning and how NWP centers can be of support and what the additional data can provide to the model development.
Primary author
Gunilla Svensson
(Stockholm University)