Workshop: Observational campaigns for better weather forecasts
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In recent years, field campaigns have deployed modern in-situ and remote-sensing instrumentation in diverse marine cloudy boundary layer regimes. For example, the CSET (2015) airborne campaign sampled across the NE Pacific stratocumulus-cumulus transition between California to Hawaii. The Southern Ocean Atmospheric Research program (2016-8) comprised four observational campaigns (SOCRATES,...
Numerical weather prediction (NWP) essentially relies on measurements of atmospheric variables for data assimilation, parameterization development and validation. Observatories and supersites nowadays provide comprehensive data sets from operational measurement programs which might be considered as a long-lasting field experiment taking into account the size and variety of measurements. These...
Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models applied on regional scales use a typical grid spacing of O(1 km). While such a grid spacing allows to start explicitly resolving convection - at least deep convection - several features of the flow remain of subgrid-scale nature, e.g. turbulence, shallow convection, or may be distorted by the coarse grid spacing. Large-eddy simulations (LES) with grid...
Mobile Radar-Lidar facilities are unique tools for cloud process analyses and case studies. The radar-lidar airborne platform (RALI) can be deployed on board the French SAFIRE aircraft (Falcon 20 or the ATR42 depending on the targeted areas). RALI consists of a combination of the multi beam 95 GHz Doppler radar RASTA (RAdar SysTem Airborne) and the Doppler high spectral resolution (D-HRS)...