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Satellite inspired hydrology in an uncertain future: a H SAF and HEPEX workshop
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H SAF products and quality assessment
Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation
Session 2: Hydrological validation and benchmarking
Poster session
Session 3: Hydrological data assimilation for NWP
Session 4: Impacts of hydrological uncertainty, hydrological forecasting and modelling
Session 5: Novel hydrological data sources and assimilation techniques
Tour of supercomputer hall (optional)
Sessions summary and discussions
Registration and welcome
Additional activity: Demonstration sessions
Workshop dinner at Côte Brasserie
Ice breaker and poster session
Include materials from selected sessions
An automatic system for flood mapping based on Sentinel-1 data (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
Assimilation of flood maps derived from satellite SAR data into a flood forecasting model (in session "Session 4: Impacts of hydrological uncertainty, hydrological forecasting and modelling")
Assimilation of SCATSAR-SWI with SURFEX: Resolution studies over Austria (in session "Session 3: Hydrological data assimilation for NWP")
Challenges for the HEPEX community in the coming years (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
Characterization and monitoring of heavy precipitation events in the Mediterranean area using the H-SAF precipitation products (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
Combining Passive and Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data to Assess the Impact of Forest Fires on the Hydrology of Boreal Forests (in session "Session 2: Hydrological validation and benchmarking")
Data assimilation for continuous global assessment of severe conditions over terrestrial surfaces (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
Development of snow depth assimilation for the Met Office UK forecasting system (in session "Session 3: Hydrological data assimilation for NWP")
ECMWF Welcome (in session "Registration and welcome")
EO-based retrieval of snow cover, overview of selected snow products and their quality assessment (in session "Session 2: Hydrological validation and benchmarking")
EUMETSAT Welcome (in session "Registration and welcome")
H SAF precipitation products (in session "Additional activity: Demonstration sessions")
H SAF precipitation products: Quality assessment and hydro validation (in session "H SAF products and quality assessment")
H SAF snow products (in session "Additional activity: Demonstration sessions")
H SAF soil moisture products (in session "Additional activity: Demonstration sessions")
H SAF Welcome (in session "Registration and welcome")
HEPEX products (in session "Additional activity: Demonstration sessions")
HEPEX Welcome (in session "Registration and welcome")
HSAF Precipitation products (in session "H SAF products and quality assessment")
HSAF snow cover products: From developing to operation stage (in session "H SAF products and quality assessment")
Hydrological data assimilation using machine learning (in session "Session 5: Novel hydrological data sources and assimilation techniques")
Impact of UKV soil moisture data assimilation on potential operational forecast of river flows (in session "Session 3: Hydrological data assimilation for NWP")
Implementation of a coupled land-atmosphere modeling system within a northwestern Mexican river basin (in session "Session 5: Novel hydrological data sources and assimilation techniques")
Improving hydrological prediction through data assimilation: results from the IMPREX and eWaterCycle II projects (in session "Session 4: Impacts of hydrological uncertainty, hydrological forecasting and modelling")
Improving the snowmelt modelling in mesoscale Hydrological Model (mHM) with satellite based dynamically calculated degree-day factor (in session "Session 2: Hydrological validation and benchmarking")
Joint assimilation of soil moisture and flood extent maps retrieved from satellite earth observation into a conceptual hydrological model for improving flood prediction: a proof of concept study. (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
On the impacts of location, timing, and frequency of inundation extent assimilation on flood forecast skill (in session "Session 5: Novel hydrological data sources and assimilation techniques")
Operational validation of H SAF snow products (in session "H SAF products and quality assessment")
Optimization of the satellite datasets to study the water cycle at the global scale (in session "Session 2: Hydrological validation and benchmarking")
Precipitation data assimilation at ECMWF (in session "Session 3: Hydrological data assimilation for NWP")
Precipitation measurements for hydrological applications (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
Projected Advances in the Remote Sensing of Precipitation (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
Registration and coffee (in session "Registration and welcome")
Retrieval of soil moisture using neural networks (in session "Session 5: Novel hydrological data sources and assimilation techniques")
Satellite data and operational hydrology - A WMO perspective (in session "Session 3: Hydrological data assimilation for NWP")
Sequential and variational assimilation of satellite snow data through a conceptual hydrological model in a mountainous catchment (in session "Session 5: Novel hydrological data sources and assimilation techniques")
SMOS Soil Moisture and its potential within the Copernicus Emergency Management Service for Flood Forecasting at ECMWF (in session "Session 2: Hydrological validation and benchmarking")
Snow depth observations from Sentinel-1 over the Northern Hemisphere mountain ranges (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
Snow processes in bucket-type hydrological models – does increased realism lead to better simulations? (in session "Session 4: Impacts of hydrological uncertainty, hydrological forecasting and modelling")
Soil moisture products (in session "H SAF products and quality assessment")
Soil moisture products: Quality assessment and hydrovalidation (in session "H SAF products and quality assessment")
The impact of satellite data assimilation on hydrologic model perfor- mance (in session "Session 1: Remote sensing, hydrological modelling and data assimilation")
The use of H-SAF soil moisture products for event-based hydrological modelling in Liguria (north of Italy) (in session "Session 4: Impacts of hydrological uncertainty, hydrological forecasting and modelling")
Understanding Water Availability Within Ugandan through the Drought and Flood Mitigation Service (in session "Session 4: Impacts of hydrological uncertainty, hydrological forecasting and modelling")
Workshop information (in session "Registration and welcome")
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Events scheduled on
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Web article : Modelling and data communities meet at ECMWF to advance hydrology