4th workshop on assimilating satellite cloud and precipitation observations for NWP

All-sky infrared assimilation overview


Dr Kozo Okamoto (JMA/MRI)


This presentation intends to cover recent development of all-sky infrared assimilation in the research and operational system. Development on all-sky IR assimilation have been recently significantly progressed although it has not yet been implemented in operational systems. Studies showed the value of frequent measurement of all-sky infrared radiances from new generation geostationary satellites in regional assimilation systems. Some global assimilation studies also showed positive impacts of assimilating all-sky radiances of hyperspectral sounders and geostationary imagers. The ongoing developments, issues and achievements of all-sky infrared assimilation will be overviewed based on the information given by operational centers and recent publications.

Primary author

Dr Kozo Okamoto (JMA/MRI)

Presentation materials