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Virtual Workshop: Warm Conveyor Belts – a challenge to forecasting
Programme (all times are UTC)
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Break out session
Working group sessions - Bluejeans
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10
Session 11
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Adjoint Sensitivity and the Impact of Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Observations for North Pacific Forecasts (in session "Session 4")
Airborne active remote-sensing observations of warm conveyor belts (in session "Session 2")
An overview on the concept of warm conveyor belts (in session "Session 1")
Aspirations for the workshop - Bringing WCB understanding into forecast system development (in session "Session 1")
Assimilation of water vapour, cloud and precipitation observations in extratropical cyclones (in session "Session 5")
Development of a logistic model to study warm conveyor belts on subseasonal time-scales (in session "Session 10")
Diabatic processes in the Warm Conveyor Belt of the Stalactite Cyclone: sensitivity to two convective parametrization schemes of the global Météo-France model ARPEGE (in session "Session 7")
Embedded convection in the warm conveyor belt of a North Atlantic cyclone and its relevance for large-scale dynamics (in session "Session 2")
Examining model error in potential temperature and potential vorticity via weather forecasts at different lead times (in session "Session 3")
Exceptional air mass transport and dynamical drivers of an extreme wintertime Arctic warm event (in session "Session 10")
GPM Satellite Radar Observations of Precipitation Mechanisms in Atmospheric Rivers (in session "Session 9")
How do diabatic processes in warm conveyor belts influence circulation and Rossby waves at tropopause level? (in session "Session 6")
How well do current observations observe key features of warm conveyor belts? (in session "Session 5")
Impact of different microphysics on the warm conveyor belt of a deep extratropical cyclone observed during the NAWDEX campaign and on its associated ridge building. (in session "Session 7")
Impact of model upgrades on diabatic processes in extratropical cyclones and downstream forecast evolution (in session "Session 9")
Influence of Warm Conveyor Belts on the Predictability of Downstream High-Impact Weather (in session "Session 4")
Introduction to break out groups
Linking atmospheric rivers and warm conveyor belt airflows (in session "Session 4")
Linking Predictability barriers and diabatic processes (in session "Session 8")
Microphysics and dynamics of snowfall associated to a warm conveyor belt over Korea (in session "Session 8")
Observational analysis of atmospheric rivers from dropsondes (in session "Session 9")
Rapid ascents embedded in a warm conveyor belt observed and modeled at kilometer-scale resolution (in session "Session 7")
Revisiting the isentropic view of PV modification in warm conveyor belts (in session "Session 6")
The effect of clouds, radiation and turbulence on upper-level PV (in session "Session 8")
The Impact of Warm Conveyor Belt Forecast Uncertainty on Variability in the Downstream Waveguide (in session "Session 3")
The importance of warm conveyor belts for (upscale) error growth (in session "Session 2")
The prospects for radars on satellites to provide better observations of warm conveyor belts (in session "Session 5")
The role of cloud diabatic processes in the life cycle of Atlantic-European weather regimes (in session "Session 3")
Three-dimensional radiative transfer around a tropopause fold (in session "Session 6")
Verification of warm conveyor belts in ECMWF IFS reforecasts (in session "Session 10")
Warm Conveyor Belts and Their Role for Cloud Radiative Forcing in the Extratropical Storm Tracks (in session "Session 10")
West Coast Forecast Challenges and Development of Atmospheric River Reconnaissance (in session "Session 4")
Working group summaries and final plenary discussions (in session "Session 11")
Workshop photo - Bluejeans Gallery
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