Virtual Event: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2020)



Mrs Biserka Frankovic (Crocontrol Ltd)


The eGAFOR project arose from the general aviation user’s need to have harmonised weather information available for flights planned over several countries. In order to meet their requirements, users were included in all phases of the project.
Therefore, eGAFOR will be a uniform graphical route forecast of meteorological phenomena hazardous for general aviation such as cloudiness, visibility, CB clouds, turbulence and freezing precipitation. The forecast will be a result of collaborative work of aviation forecasters from the countries participating in the project – CCL (Croatia), ARSO (Slovenia), BHANSA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), OMSZ (Hungary), ROMATSA (Romania), SHMU (Slovakia) and SMATSA (Serbia). Industrial partner in the project is IBL (Slovakia). The new system will increase safety and efficiency in the area covered in the lower air space and has the potential to be extended to more countries in the future.
The eGAFOR project is funded by INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) – 2016 Connecting Europe Facility Transport Calls for Proposal.

Primary authors

Mrs Biserka Frankovic (Crocontrol Ltd) Mr Saso Slabajna (aviation forecaster)

Presentation materials