Virtual Event: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2020)

AQCLI: a CLARA Service for Air Quality in future CLImate


Dr Roberta Amorati (ARPAE )


The AQCLI service provides an assessment of how climate change will affect air quality, especially for Particulate Matter (PM10), one of the main pollutant during winter, and Ozone (O3) , the main pollutant during summer. The service covers a 150 km x 150 km area centered around the city of Bologna in northern Italy. The assessment will be representative of urban background concentration. The analysis represents both present conditions and a future scenario and it relies on meteorological scenarios produced within the CLARA project. The service produces the maps of number of days favorable to pollutant accumulation according to meteorological conditions and evaluates the impact of future climate conditions for every municipality inside the study area. The results are available as open data or they can be visualized on a web platform as maps and elaborations. The service is addressed to decision makers involved in air quality management that need to evaluate the meteorological component in future climate scenario in order to plan effective actions to reduce air pollution.

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