Virtual Event: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2020)

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Sectoral Information System (SIS)


Chiara Cagnazzo (ECMWF)


Climate-sensitive sectors need to have access to reliable data and information products in order to understand and manage risks associated to climate variations and changes. The C3S Sectoral Information System is a credible source of tools, applications and indicators built on high value climate data, providing relevant and accessible information to users together with correct examples on how to pass from climate data to information that is useful in decision making processes. The SIS delivers a set of indicators relevant to specific sectors and it provides a set of interactive downstream applications that are used not only to explore but also to build user-oriented solutions. The SIS component also includes use cases and demonstrators, to show-case the benefits of the CDS and strongly communicate it for further user uptake. This presentation will provide examples on how, through the SIS component of C3S, it is possible to pass from a useful to a usable piece of information, fully built on the CDS technology.

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