Virtual Event: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2020)
Thematic area: Novel products and services
- David Richardson (ECMWF)
Thematic area: Novel products and services
- Becky Hemingway (ECMWF)
Météo-France is working on a new severe weather warnings system that will be ready in 2021. It will be more precise, more understandable, more efficient.
The main novelties are to overcome the administrative district "Département" and to display two distinct warnings maps for today and tomorrow.
The goal is to improve the consideration of local vulnerabilities and communication with...
Over the past fifteen years, during and after the THORPEX era, several novel experimental products based on ECMWF ensemble data have been developed for use during tropical cyclone field campaigns. The products include guidance for targeted observations; track probabilities; probabilities of tropical cyclogenesis and related environmental quantities; and diagnostics related to tropical cyclone...
Daily ECMWF maximum gust forecasts from the Copernicus C3S seasonal hindcast project have been used to develop diagnostics directly relevant to the insurance industry.
Firstly, by converting wind gusts into losses through simple insurance exposure considerations and damage functions, we are able to identify the spatial characteristics of the largest industry loss events as well as looking...
Smart Climate Hydropower Tool is an innovative web-cloud-based service that implements a set of data-driven methods for river discharge. An application for two catchments in South America is discussed (test cases), where management of hydropower plants can benefit from knowledge of incoming discharge forecasts up to 6 months in advance.
SCHT has been developed inside H2020 project "CLARA -...
Insufficient precipitation and subsequent water stress for crop production are among the biggest risks in agriculture. Especially the past two years (2018, 2019) in central Europe show that dry and hot summers enhance the probability of harvest failures due to long term drought situations. Hence, a better prediction of long-term crop water stress situations could improve the resilience and...