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Joint Virtual Workshop on “Connecting global to local hydrological modelling and forecasting: scientific advances and challenges”
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Pitch talks for poster session 1
Pitch talks for poster session 2
Pitch talks for poster session 3
Pitch talks for poster session 4
Pitch talks for poster session 5
Pitch talks for poster session 6
Session 1: Challenges and advances in modelling hydrologic variables at large scales
Session 6: Use of Earth Observations and data assimiliation for hydrological forecasts and past reanalyses
Session 3: Monitoring, modelling and forecasting for flood risk, flash floods, inundation and impact assessments
Session 4: Connecting large scale water-cycle information to local needs, knowledge and decision making
Session 5: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from medium-range to subseasonal-to-seasonal range
Session 2: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from short-range to medium-range
Lunch break
Include materials from selected sessions
A few hundred catchments later – lessons from modelling large samples of catchments around the globe (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
A first evaluation of the future CEMS systematic global flood monitoring product. (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
A High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System Optimized for Drought Monitoring in the Western United States (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
A regional coupled approach to water cycle prediction during winter 2013/14 in the United Kingdom (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
A sensitivity analysis of hydrological states and fluxes to groundwater representation in pan-European multimodel simulations (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Activities in Gather.Town
Activities in Gather.Town
Activities in Gather.Town
Activities in Gather.Town
Activities in Gather.Town
Activities in Gather.Town
Advances and challenges in the past decade: from univariate to multivariate bias adjustment of climate models for impact studies (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Advances in new EO technologies and computer modeling could soon enable better flood forecasting at impact-level scale (in session "Session 6: Use of Earth Observations and data assimiliation for hydrological forecasts and past reanalyses")
An ensemble-based method for investigating the predictability of fluvial flooding from tropical cyclones (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
An evaluation of ensemble flood inundation mapping spatial skill (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
An improved trend-aware post-processing method for GCM seasonal precipitation forecasts (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Application of HYPE Model in Simulating Streamflow and Suspended Sediment Concentration at Upper Srepok River Basin in Vietnam (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Applying the hydrological model framework HydPy for data assimilation in order to improve operational medium-range forecasts within the Rhine basin (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Assessing the role of global datasets for flood risk management at national and catchment scales (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Assessment of Global Reanalysis Datasets for Catchment modelling Across Kenya (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Assimilation of backscatter radar observations in a hydrological model: a study for two catchments in Belgium (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Assimilation of streamflow into a distributed hydrological model using ConvLSTM (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Bayesian merging of large scale and local hydrological forecasts (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Benchmarking hydrological model performance of GloFAS v3 against GloFAS v2 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Blue-green roofs with forecast-based operation to reduce the impact of climate extremes in cities (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Challenges in setting up a multi-model hydrometeorological forecasting system (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Challenges of event-based evaluation of flash floods: example of the October 2018 flood event in the Aude catchment in France (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Challenges of the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) hydrological calibration (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Combining pan-European flood hazard forecasts with exposure information to enhance local decision making (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Comparative Suitability of the Global Flood Awareness System and a Catchment-based Model to Simulate and Predict Floods in Uganda (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Connecting large scale climate services to the local context? Look out of the window (in session "Session 4: Connecting large scale water-cycle information to local needs, knowledge and decision making")
Continental versus regional scale flood inundation modelling estimates for southern South America (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Delineating groundwater occurrence and patterns within the Free State Province, South Africa (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Delivering Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) data operationally to the hydrological community (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Deployment automation of hydrological forecasting systems on a global scale (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Development of a global high resolution river routing model accounting for lake mass balance (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Development of a medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasting system in a suite of Andean catchments (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Development of a web-based decision support system (DSS) for water resources management in Vietnam and Mekong region (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Development of nationwide 150m high-resolution Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation model for flood forecasting: Integration of 26,000 cross-section data to improve flood predictions (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Developments in hybrid hydrological forecasting (in session "Session 5: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from medium-range to subseasonal-to-seasonal range")
Does the assimilation of earth observations and in-situ data affect the seasonal hydrological forecast quality? (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Effective calibration of precipitation forecasts across Australia using the Seasonally Coherent Calibration (SCC) model (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Emulation of 2D hydrodynamic flood inundation model using deep learning with spatial reduction and reconstruction (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Enabling hydrological (ensemble) verification as part of standard operational practice at operational centers around the world (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Ensemble Flash Flood Predictions Using a High-Resolution Nationwide Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model: Case Study of the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 and Typhoon Hagibis in 2019 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Ensemble Forecasting of Drought over Germany at Sub-seasonal Time Scale (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Ensemble forecasts for soil moisture, evapotranspiration and runoff across Australia – verification and applications (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Ensemble Snow Data Assimilation Methods for Streamflow Forecasting (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Error modelling for long-range ensemble forecasts of flow in highly ephemeral rivers (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Estimating the benefits brought by seasonal forecasts on the management of the Water-Energy-Food nexus in the Jucar river system (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Evaluating the forecast skill of GloFAS ensemble river discharge hindcasts for different lead times using impact data; a case study for Ethiopia (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Evaluating the performance of a data-driven short-term irrigation demand forecasting model under different levels of data availability (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Evaluating the post-processing of the European Flood Awareness System’s continental scale streamflow forecasts (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Exploiting SEAS5 (re-)forecasts to support risk-based decision making (UNSEEN) (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Flood risk assessment on small catchment with ECMWF ensemble forecasts in operational conditions (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Floodwater detection in urban areas using Sentinel-1 and WorldDEM data (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Forecasting seasonal water demand across Australia’s southern Murray Darling Basin (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Forecasting soil moisture at 600m resolution over Germany using the hydrologic model ParFlow/CLM with ECMWF atmospheric forcing (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
From ensembles to uncertainty in hydrological prediction (in session "Session 2: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from short-range to medium-range")
From Global to Local: Development of a Bias correction method for the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Services global model (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
From Global to Local: Validating Forecast High Flow Events from GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Services (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Global flood forecasting for anticipatory humanitarian action (in session "Session 3: Monitoring, modelling and forecasting for flood risk, flash floods, inundation and impact assessments")
Global high-resolution regionalized parameter maps for LISFLOOD based on observed streamflow from over 4000 headwater catchments (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
GloFAS as fundamental tool in the Madeira River Crisis Room (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Google’s Flood Forecasting Initiative: Globally-Scalable Models for Hyper-Local Information (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
How can we extend the horizon of skillful hydrological predictions? (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Impacts of data assimilation on continental seasonal and short-term hydrological forecasts (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Improving irrigation water availability forecasting: A case study involving Australia’s largest rural water corporation (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Integrated chain for the hydrometeorological forecasting of low flows and droughts in France – The CIPRHES project (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Integrating hydrological ensemble forecasts into decision support tools for operation of the electric system in Uruguay (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Introduction to poster session 1 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Introduction to poster session 2 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Introduction to poster session 3 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Introduction to poster session 4 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Introduction to poster session 5 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Introduction to poster session 6 (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Leveraging Earth Observation and Data Assimilation to Optimize Flood Inundation Forecasting (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Limits of predictability: a global-scale investigation of distribution and stochastic structure of key hydrological-cycle processes (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Medium- to seasonal-range streamflow forecasting for the hydropower dams of the Brazilian National Interconnected System (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Multi‐temporal Hydrological Residual Error Modelling for Seamless Subseasonal Streamflow Forecasting (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Operational multi-model hydrological seasonal forecasts for Europe: development, skill and challenges (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Over-the-loop ensemble forecasting for risk-based reservoir operations in the US (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Post-processing hydro-meteorological tercile forecasts with weather regime data using machine learning (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Poster session 1 in Gather.Town - Visit the posters and chat with the authors
Poster session 2 in Gather.Town - Visit the posters and chat with the authors
Poster session 3 in Gather.Town - Visit the posters and chat with the authors
Poster session 4 in Gather.Town - Visit the posters and chat with the authors
Poster session 5 in Gather.Town - Visit the posters and chat with the authors
Poster session 6 in Gather.Town - Visit the posters and chat with the authors
Predicting river flow level categories using SMOS soil moisture within a machine learning approach (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Predicting the complete coupled terrestrial water and energy cycles (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Q & A (All participants) (in session "Session 2: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from short-range to medium-range")
Q & A (All participants) (in session "Session 3: Monitoring, modelling and forecasting for flood risk, flash floods, inundation and impact assessments")
Q & A (All participants) (in session "Session 4: Connecting large scale water-cycle information to local needs, knowledge and decision making")
Q & A (All participants) (in session "Session 5: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from medium-range to subseasonal-to-seasonal range")
Q & A (All participants) (in session "Session 6: Use of Earth Observations and data assimiliation for hydrological forecasts and past reanalyses")
Q&A (All participants) (in session "Session 1: Challenges and advances in modelling hydrologic variables at large scales")
Rainfall nowcasting using commercial microwave links from cellular communication networks (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Real time flood forecasting in the Chenab basin in Pakistan (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Remote Sensing of Global Daily Evapotranspiration based on Surface Energy Balance Method and Reanalysis data (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Seasonal forecasts of winter and summer precipitation for the Island of Ireland from dynamical-statistical methods (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Seasonal hydrological forecasting across scales: similarity patterns and attribution of forecast quality (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Seasonal Hydrological Forecasts for the Yacyretá Hydropower Facility (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Short-Range Streamflow Forecasting Using Multi-Models Over Snow Dominated Basin In Turkey (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Skill of seasonal meteorological forecasts from the Copernicus Climate Change Service to foresee groundwater pumping allocation in an overexploited Mediterranean aquifer (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
The challenges of making seamless pan-European flash flood impact forecasts useful for local decision making (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
The effects of post-processing on the performance of reservoir inflow at Itaipu (Brazil / Paraguay) (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
The European Commission Destination Earth Programme (in session "Session 1: Challenges and advances in modelling hydrologic variables at large scales")
Towards a seamless combination of short-term deterministic with mid-term probabilistic hydrological forecasts (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Towards an operational forecasting system using altimetry assimilation : two case studies on the Niger and the Congo river basins (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Towards globally applicable and locally relevant compound flood simulations (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
ULYSSES: a global multi-model hydrological prediction system (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Understanding streamflow predictability on seasonal timescales across North America (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 5")
Understanding the current gaps between global and catchment scale seasonal and short-term streamflow forecasts (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 4")
Unravelling the interplay between flood model selection, simulations outcomes, and resulting flood risk – a case study in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Updating soil moisture and vegetation by assimilating Sentinel-1 backscatter: Impact on streamflow simulations (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Using ensemble reforecasts to generate flood thresholds for improved global flood forecasting (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 1")
Using the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Services for forecasting inundations and urban flooding in Israel (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 3")
Utilizing MODIS imagery and multi-platform microwave brightness temperature to constrain flood frequency (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 6")
Verifying precipitation from the Global Ensemble Forecast System in Maule, Chile (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
Virtual arrival - Session 1 (in session "Session 1: Challenges and advances in modelling hydrologic variables at large scales")
Virtual arrival - Session 2 (in session "Session 2: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from short-range to medium-range")
Virtual arrival - Session 3 (in session "Session 3: Monitoring, modelling and forecasting for flood risk, flash floods, inundation and impact assessments")
Virtual arrival - Session 4 (in session "Session 4: Connecting large scale water-cycle information to local needs, knowledge and decision making")
Virtual arrival - Session 5 (in session "Session 5: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from medium-range to subseasonal-to-seasonal range")
Virtual arrival - Session 6 (in session "Session 6: Use of Earth Observations and data assimiliation for hydrological forecasts and past reanalyses")
Welcome (in session "Session 1: Challenges and advances in modelling hydrologic variables at large scales")
Welcome (in session "Session 4: Connecting large scale water-cycle information to local needs, knowledge and decision making")
Welcome (in session "Session 5: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from medium-range to subseasonal-to-seasonal range")
Welcome (in session "Session 2: Catchment-scale hydrometeorological forecasting: from short-range to medium-range")
Welcome (in session "Session 3: Monitoring, modelling and forecasting for flood risk, flash floods, inundation and impact assessments")
Welcome (in session "Session 6: Use of Earth Observations and data assimiliation for hydrological forecasts and past reanalyses")
Which precipitation forecasts to use? Deterministic versus coarser-resolution ensemble NWP models (in session "Pitch talks for poster session 2")
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