Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2022)

Interactive data visualisation and pre-processing with ECMWF's Metview software


Mr Iain Russell (ECMWF)


Effective visualisations can take a lot of time and experimentation to get right. Having an interactive environment in which to try out different aspects such as colour schemes can drastically reduce the time required. An interactive environment is also a great way to dynamically explore data, look for features and compare different datasets. On top of this, it can be essential to pre-process data before visualising it, whether to compute more useful parameters from those you have, to compare data from different sources, or simply to reduce data volumes. This presentation will show how ECMWF's meteorological workstation software, Metview, can address these issues and even write Python code for you!

Primary author

Mr Iain Russell (ECMWF)


Presentation materials