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Annual Seminar 2019
Presentations and recordings
Annual Seminar photos
Material Package
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Specific sessions
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Registration and coffee
Session 3: System design
Seminar dinner
Session 1: Basis for predictability at the extended and seasonal range
Session 4: Detecting and exploiting skill
Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications
Express poster presentations
Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements
Poster session 1 and drinks reception
Poster session 2 and drinks
Poster session 3 and pre-dinner drinks
Include materials from selected sessions
A personal perspective on predictability on sub-seasonal to seasonal time-scales (in session "Session 1: Basis for predictability at the extended and seasonal range")
Analyzing causal pathways of the stratospheric polar vortex using machine learning tools (in session "Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications")
Atmospheric teleconnections, the North Atlantic Oscillation and long range forecasts of European winters (in session "Session 3: System design")
Bridging the Gap between Weather and Climate Prediction using Multi-model Ensembles (in session "Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications")
Close of seminar (in session "Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications")
Comparing the Predictability and Skill of Subseasonal Forecasts (in session "Session 4: Detecting and exploiting skill")
High-latitude processes in sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
How Using NASA’s Observations Affects the Balance Among Spatial Resolution, Ensemble Size, and Physical Complexity in the GEOS-S2S System (in session "Session 4: Detecting and exploiting skill")
Introduction and arrangements (in session "Session 1: Basis for predictability at the extended and seasonal range")
Land surface as a predictability driver in Subseasonal and seasonal Forecasts (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
Multi-Scale Impacts of Extratropical Ocean on the Atmosphere (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
Multi-week/seasonal prediction for agricultural applications in Australia (in session "Session 3: System design")
Predictability associated with teleconnections from tropical phenomena (in session "Session 1: Basis for predictability at the extended and seasonal range")
Predicting high impact weather events beyond the medium range (in session "Session 4: Detecting and exploiting skill")
Seasonal forecast data and information: the providers' perspective from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (in session "Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications")
Seasonal forecasting systems: present and future (in session "Session 3: System design")
Statistical methods for verification of probabilistic forecasts at the extended and seasonal range (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
Subseasonal and seasonal climate forecast applications (in session "Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications")
Taming the butterfly effect to reach subseasonal and seasonal predictability (in session "Session 1: Basis for predictability at the extended and seasonal range")
The complexity of ENSO and its impacts: lessons learnt from initialized predictions (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
The Madden-Julian Oscillation (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
The role of atmospheric composition in the predictability at the S2S scale (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
The role of the stratosphere for sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting (in session "Session 2: Physical processes, modelling and initialization requirements")
The US Navy’s Extended-range Prediction System with High-resolution Ocean and Ice models (in session "Session 3: System design")
Towards process-based narratives for seasonal climate predictions (in session "Session 4: Detecting and exploiting skill")
Welcome and opening
What did we learn from the S2S database? (in session "Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications")
Where our science ambitions meet computing and data handling limitations (in session "Session 5: Multi-model databases for advancing science and applications")
Include materials from selected contributions
Events scheduled on
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AS2019_Poster presentation schedule.pdf