Annual Seminar 2019
This page lists all poster files provided to ECMWF for this event.
Forecasting the onset of rainy season for African farmers
Bob Ammerlaan (Weather Impact BV)
Effect of Sea Ice Thickness Initialisation on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
Beena Balan Sarojini (ECMWF)
An Introduction to FGOALS-f2 S2S prediction system
Qing Bao (LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Sub-seasonal forecasts over Europe for the energy sector: current forecast status and an insight into model error
Joshua Dorrington (University of Oxford)
The Madden-Julian Oscillation, the Euro-Mediterranean Weather regimes and Morocco winter precipitation
Fouad Gadouali (Direction de la Météorologie Nationale)
Sources of seasonal predictability in the Mediterranean
Ignazio Giuntoli (CNR Italian National Research Council)
Improved QBO teleconnection due to reduced model circulation biases
Alexey Karpechko (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
GEOS S2S Version 3: The New GMAO High Resolution Seasonal Prediction System
Andrea Molod (NASA/GMAO)
Towards Typhoon forecasting in the S2S time scale
Masuo Nakano (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC))
Categorized correction forecast for accumulative precipitation of heavy rainfall processes based on optimal probability (OPPF) in medium-extended-range forecast time
Ruoyun Niu (National Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration)
How can deep-learning assist physical modelling and forecasting?
Sungmin O (Max Planck for Biogeochemistry)
Preliminary results of introducing soil moisture data assimilation to the JMA Global Ensemble Prediction System
Kenta Ochi (Japan Meteorological Agency)
iColt: results from the summer operational seasonal predictions of irrigation water need in Emilia-Romagna
Valentina Pavan (ARPAE-SIMC)
Calibration of ECMWF SEAS5 precipitation forecasts in Java (Indonesia) using statistical post-processing of precipitation and climate indices
Dian Ratri (KNMI)
The wintertime North Atlantic response to increased ocean model resolution in the IFS across timescales
Chris Roberts (ECMWF)
Mechanisms and predictability of Sudden Stratospheric Warming in winter 2018
Irina Statnaia (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
Impact of applying two-tiered sea surface temperature approach to Global Ensemble Prediction System
Toshinari Takakura
SEAS5-20C: Biennial (24-month long) hindcasts for the 20th Century
Antje Weisheimer