Virtual Event: ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP SAF Workshop on the treatment of random and systematic errors in satellite data assimilation for NWP
This page lists all poster files provided to ECMWF for this event.
Optimal trade off between spectral and radiometric resolution in order to optimize the performances of a radiometer in the far infrared region
Laurence Coursol (UQAM)
Using analysis corrections as a representation of model error
William Crawford (Naval Research Laboratory)
The impact of using reconditioned correlated observation error covariance matrices in the Met Office 1D-Var system
Sarah Dance (University of Reading)
Impact of an updated observation error covariance matrix on the ozone analysis
Sensitivity of VarBC to the misspecification of background error covariance.
Devon Francis (University of Reading)
Challenges for the hybrid forecast models: representation of the systematic forecast error with machine learning
Sergey Frolov
Satellite data rescue for climate reanalysis
Thomas Hall (University of Reading)
Efficient Computation of Matrix-vector Product in Data Assimilation
Guannan Hu (University of Reading)
Examination of observation and model error for all-sky infrared radiance assimilation
Kozo Okamoto (JMA/MRI)
First steps towards using scene dependent observation errors for hyper-spectral IR
Kirsti Salonen (ECMWF)
Estimation of DCB bias error term for ground and space-based observations using the Spire TEC Environment Assimilation Model (STEAM)
Sanita Vetra-Carvalho (Spire Global Ltd)
Variational bias correction of satellite oceanographic measurements incorporating observations of the bias..
James While (Met Office)