Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2019)
Monday, 3 June 2019 | |||
13:00 → 14:00 |
Registration and coffee
Weather Room | 1h |
14:00 → 14:15 |
Welcome and housekeeping
Speakers: Anna Ghelli (ECMWF), Florence Rabier (ECMWF)
15m | |
Afternoon session - Chair: Anna Ghelli | |||
14:15 → 14:45 |
ECMWF product development
Speaker: David Richardson (ECMWF)
30m | |
14:45 → 15:15 |
ECMWF strategic projects: an overview
Speaker: Florian Pappenberger (ECMWF)
30m | |
15:15 → 15:45 |
Coffee break
30m | |
Afternoon session continued | |||
15:45 → 16:15 |
ECMWF forecast performance
Speaker: Thomas Haiden (ECMWF)
30m | |
16:15 → 18:15 |
Poster session and drinks reception
2h | |
Tuesday, 4 June 2019 | |||
Morning session - Chair: Andrea Montani | |||
09:30 → 10:00 |
Informing anticipatory humanitarian action: a framework for using ECMWF forecasts effectively
Speaker: Erica Thompson (London School of Economics)
30m | |
10:00 → 10:30 |
GloFAS extended range flood forecast skill for the major river basins in Bangladesh
Speaker: Sazzad Hossain (University of Reading)
30m | |
10:30 → 11:00 |
Coffee break
30m | |
Morning session continued | |||
11:00 → 11:30 |
Agricultural applications of ECMWF ensemble forecasts in Africa
Speaker: Sippora Stellingwerf (Weather Impact)
30m | |
11:30 → 12:00 |
Using ensemble weather forecasts in agronomy modelling
Speaker: Ivana Aleksovska (Météo-France)
30m | |
12:00 → 12:30 |
Strategies for optimising operational decisions using ensemble marine forecasts
Speaker: Ken Mylne (Met Office)
30m | |
12:30 → 13:00 |
The strength of ensembles lies not in probability forecasting
Speaker: Leonard Smith (CATS at London School of Economics)
30m | |
13:00 → 14:00 |
Lunch break
1h | |
14:00 → 15:15 |
Put your skills to the test during our science and art activity - Louise Arnal, Jenny Rourke and Estibaliz Gascon (ECMWF)
Council Chamber, Lecture Theatre | 1h 15m |
15:15 → 15:45 |
Coffee break
30m | |
Afternoon session - Chair: Ivan Tsonevsky | |||
15:45 → 16:15 |
ECMWF research: near and distant future plans
Speaker: Andy Brown (ECMWF)
30m | |
16:15 → 16:45 |
The ECMWF Ensemble within the Copernicus European and Global Flood Awareness Systems (EFAS & GloFAS)
Speaker: Ervin Zsoter (ECMWF)
30m | |
16:45 → 17:15 |
Extended-range product and diagnostic developments
Speaker: Linus Magnusson (ECMWF)
30m | |
17:15 → 18:45 |
Poster session with drinks and canapés
1h 30m | |
Wednesday, 5 June 2019 | |||
Morning session - Chair: Fatima Pillosu | |||
09:30 → 10:00 |
Applications of ensemble prediction systems at Météo-France
Speakers: Marie Boisserie (Météo-France), Nicole Girardot (Météo-France)
30m | |
10:00 → 10:30 |
Ensemble based seven day high impact weather outlook
Speaker: Guido Schroeder (DWD)
30m | |
10:30 → 11:00 |
Coffee break
30m | |
1: Morning session continued | |||
11:00 → 11:30 |
Progressive warnings with conservative forecasting
Speaker: Elín Björk Jónasdóttir (Icelandic Met Office)
30m | |
11:30 → 13:00 |
User voice corner
Classroom, Council Chamber, LCR, Lecture Theatre, MR5, Weather Room | 1h 30m |
13:00 → 14:00 |
Lunch break
1h | |
14:00 → 15:15 |
The Speakers' Corner - Fatima Pillosu : Customise ecPoint rainfall products, Cihan Sahin : ecCharts - faster and more responsive, Ivan Tsonevsky : New ECWMF model products explained
Weather Room, Lobby | 1h 15m |
15:15 → 15:45 |
Coffee break
30m | |
Afternoon session - Chair: Estibaliz Gascon | |||
15:45 → 16:15 |
Challenges and Limits in Ensemble Weather Prediction
Speaker: Mark Rodwell (ECMWF)
30m | |
16:15 → 16:45 |
Users of ECMWF/Copernicus data in the spotlight – A user perspective on current and future cloud-based data systems (not live streamed)
Speaker: Julia Wagemann (ECMWF)
30m | |
16:45 → 18:15 |
Knowledge Café - The impact of social media on weather related decision making processes
Classroom, Council Chamber, LCR, Lecture Theatre, MR5, Weather Room | 1h 30m |
19:30 → 21:30 |
Workshop dinner in Reading town centre
2h | |
Thursday, 6 June 2019 | |||
Morning session - Chair: Julia Wagemann | |||
09:30 → 10:00 |
Probabilistic fire spread prediction: The case of the deadly wildfire in Mati, Greece
Speaker: Theodore Giannaros (National Observatory of Athens)
30m | |
10:00 → 10:30 |
Quantifying uncertainties and confidence level in ATM simulations
Speaker: Christian Maurer (ZAMG)
30m | |
10:30 → 11:00 |
Coffee break
30m | |
2: Morning session continued | |||
11:00 → 11:30 |
Goodbye ERA-Interim, hello ERA5
Speaker: Hans Hersbach (ECMWF)
30m | |
11:30 → 12:00 |
Seasonal forecasts from the Copernicus Climate Change Service
Speaker: Eduardo Penabad Ramos (ECMWF)
30m | |
12:00 → 12:30 |
Prizes and concluding remarks
30m |