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Workshop on model uncertainty


This page lists all poster files provided to ECMWF for this event.

Towards structure preserving discretizations of stochastic rotating shallow water equations on the sphere
Werner Bauer (Kingston University London)
Evaluation of a Physically-Based Stochastic Boundary-Layer Perturbation Scheme using a Super-Ensemble
Peter Clark (University of Reading)
Improving a probabilistic icing risk forecast system for wind farm operation
Rémi Dupont (CNRM - Meteo France & VALEMO)
Technical implementation of SPP in HarmonEPS: single precision and other aspects
James Fannon (Met Éireann)
The Importance of Uncertainty & Quality Indices for Working with Digital Twins in Earth Sciences–The DestinE Initiative
Philip Heinisch (TU-Braunschweig)
Algorithmic Differentiation as Sensitivity Analysis in Cloud Microphysics
Maicon Hieronymus (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Sensitivity of stochastic perturbation schemes to the data assimilation in ensemble forecast system
Ja-Young Hong (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems)
Using uncertainty estimates from Bayesian inference to (de-)attribute drivers of fire events and emissions
Douglas Kelley (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
Evaluation of the extended-range ensemble forecast experiments using the low-resolution KIM Hybrid 4D-EnVar system
Eun-Hee Lee (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems)
Stochastically Perturbed Parameterization Scheme for the Soil Temperature and Moisture with an Optimized Tuning Parameters within an Ensemble Data Assimilation System
Sujeong Lim (Ewha Womans University)
Evaluating the performance of a global ensemble prediction system over tropics using two different model physics perturbation schemes
Ashu Mamgain (NCMRWF)
Uncertainty in the Coupled System”
Philip Pegion (NOAA/Physical Sciences Laboratory)
The effect of stochatically perturbed parametrization tendencies (SPPT) on rapidly ascending air streams
Moritz Pickl (IMK-TRO, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
Representation of model uncertainty in the ICON-D2-EPS ensemble using a physically based stochastic perturbation scheme
Matjaž Puh (Meteorological Institute Munich, LMU)
Impact of Analysis Correction-based Additive Inflation on Integrated Vapor Transport
Carolyn Reynolds (US Naval Research Laboratory)
The transition from practical to intrinsic predictability of midlatitude weather
Tobias Selz (LMU München)
Sensitivity experiments for RTPS parameter in the low-resolution ensemble prediction system with KIM
Hong Seokmin (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems)
Impact of Initial Condition and Physics Perturbations on convective scale ensemble forecasts of extreme precipitation events over India.
Kiran Prasad Siripurapu (National centre for medium range weather forecasting)
Improving confidence in model-based Probable Maximum Precipitation : Assessing sources of model uncertainty in storm reconstruction and maximization
Emilie Tarouilly (UCLA)
Stochastic perturbation of tropical cyclone initial conditions in the MOGREPS-G ensemble
Warren Tennant (Met Office)
C-LAEF – status and development of model error representation
Florian Weidle (ZAMG)
A stochastic and nonlinear representation of model uncertainty in a convective-scale ensemble prediction system
ZHIZHEN XU (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
A Comparison of Multiphysics and Multistochastic Methods within the GRAPES Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System
Zhizheng Xu (Fudan University, Shanghai)